Barack Obama - President of USA

By Ocea on 9:25 AM

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I`m not a political man but today i saw on Tv how Barack Obama becomes President of America ( or US or USA), the first black person who gets president, the 44th president of America. The presentator was amazed and astonished that  the person who writes his speeches and that he is a visionary and bla bla bla. I liked that he never told in his speeches that he will be a savior , a Mesiah or i donno a black  priest to help poor and eradicate hunger and war or something like that. 

I think it was the first political speech that i really liked.

From slavery and racism to be the presidedent of Usa is a big thing. Also i like the peoples who were gathered in Lincoln Memorial Esplanade with their banners : " Barack Obama - President of US" that was fine, no special meaning but this one was nice : " Barack Obama - President of Earth". Is it?

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